Saturday, November 22, 2014

Low-Tech and Mid-Tech Adaptations to Complete Assignmen

In my other posts, I’ve talked about math fact fluency, visual-spatial difficulties, and teaching math concepts and corresponding technologies to incorporate in your classroom where you see fit.  
Sometimes, technology isn’t going to be the answer for your student, or it won’t be enough.  There was a world before technology boomed, and those methods worked.  Technology should not replace a teacher, but enhance teaching.  Has anyone ever taught a math lesson, and this is the response you get?
You aren’t alone!  I’ve been there, seen that, pulled my hair out, and started back at square one.  I've found that starting simple is better, and adding on tech later works best for me.  This means using low or mid tech first!  There are some low-tech and mid-tech options to help adapt work for your student.  I use these every day in my classroom.
      ~ My favorite: manipulatives
~ My students’ favorites: Multiplication tables
~ What’s your favorite?

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