Saturday, November 15, 2014

IEP & AT use #4

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance: Michael is in the second grade classroom for most of the school day. He is interested in the material being presented by the teacher and wants to participate. He has a full time paraprofessional who assists him. He has difficulty being an active participant in academics because he uses a voice output AAC device and frequently does not have the “right” answer. The teacher is concerned at the amount of time it currently takes while Michael struggles to answer questions. The teacher is interested in finding ways for Michael to more actively participate. 
Annual Goal: Michael will use eye gaze and prerecorded messages to respond to appropriately phrased questions in four subject area classes, mathematics, reading, science and social studies in three out of five opportunities.

Michael would benefit using a voice activated communication aid (VOCA) in order to better communicate within his classroom.  This would positively affect communication with his teachers, peers, and paraprofessional who work with him.  Michael’s specific voice activated communication aid will be able to be programmed by his teachers, parents, and paraprofessional so that he is better equipped with responses at the necessary time. Another method to better help Michael prepare for classes is for previewing questions or readings before working with them in class.  This will give him additional processing time, and hopefully be a way to increase correct answers and participation in class.
Resource: Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative and CITE

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