Friday, November 28, 2014

AT: Reasonable Accommodations

Assistive technology can serve as reasonable accommodations for students.  Reasonable accommodations could possibly include: making sure a class is on the first floor for a student in a wheel chair, providing sign language interpreters for a student who is deaf, or arranging for extended time for students with learning disabilities.  Colleges are required to provide accommodations to help provide an equal opportunity for success.  One common accommodation is assistive technology.  Some students and families may be worried about the cost of AT, but in the scheme of things, colleges will spend the money on AT for that student, in most cases.
Students should develop self-advocacy skills prior to college, and they should know how and when to use them.  If a student has any sort of disability, they will need to self-advocate for themselves in order to get the accommodations necessary.  This website is for students, and can be helpful when transitioning. 

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