Monday, November 24, 2014

Communication devices & Learned Helplessness

Now, to switch things up a little bit, this post will be about helping students overcome learned helplessness.  For students with disabilities, especially those who have been disempowered throughout their life, learned helplessness is common.  Students who have communication issues, have severe physical, intellectual, and other types of disabilities sometimes lose power over their environment, causing disempowerment.

When students are provided with tools and supports to assist, some don’t know what to do with that new power.  Yet another role of a teacher is helping these students learn to navigate through their environment, learning how and when to exert control in their own lives.  Regarding communication devices, some helpful tips for teachers are:
:: Daily expectations of communication (activities, picking a book, where to eat, what to do, etc.)
:: Daily report to parents, via the student
:: Allow natural consequences to occur, and help the student fix it
:: Don’t manipulate the environment at all times: provide less support, or no support at times
:: Provide choice-making options whenever possible
:: Encourage the student to reject or protest something

1 comment:

  1. Helpful tips to encourage students to overcome learned helplessness!
