Friday, November 21, 2014

Automaticity/math fact fluency: Apps, Websites, and Games

Learning math facts, developing automaticity and fluency is hard.  If your student has a math disability, it can be even harder.  I’m going to talk about some math apps that can be used to help overcome these obstacles.  *Disclaimer: play around with these applications first to determine if they meet your student’s needs/interests/goals. 
Tech-Based Apps & Activities:
* FASTT Math – an intervention program to help students’ fact fluency, the demo is really fun and exciting to go through: it makes me want to play it for real!
* Timez Attack – for multiplication facts (2 through 12), high-tech and similar to video game graphics, Base Version (free) or Full Version (paid), video example of game
* ArithmAttack – basic +/-/x/÷ facts, problem sets can be customized depending on student (which is nice!), very bland and basic which is a con for students, check it out here
* Arcademic Skill Builder – there are a multitude of fact games – even more than just basic operations!  Choose from ratios, integers, algebra, fractions, and more.  You can start a 30-day free trial, or pay for subscription, interested? watch the demo video
*First in Math (not in book) – it’s the website and program that I use to help develop these skills.  Likes: the variety of games and activities, monitoring progress and playing, log-in ability from any connected computer.  Dislikes: with a teacher log-in, you aren’t able to set specific levels, all students start at level 1, a little “young” for my middle school kids, not as interactive as other online games
 Any others to play around with?

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