Tuesday, November 11, 2014

IEP Considerations regarding AT

The terms IEP and Assistive Technology (AT) are closely intertwined.  I hope this blog has been reinforcing that concept!  There are many considerations that an educator has to keep in mind when referring a student for assistive technology implementation.  Some that you should keep in mind are:
  • What is the desired student outcome with AT? 
  • How much support is required in class? 
  • Low-tech, mid-tech, or high-tech options? 
  • What are the student’s abilities and difficulties? 
  • Does the student struggle to organize: information, time, and/or materials? 
  • Does the student have difficulty managing: time, deadlines, materials, and/or work space/lockers/desk?
This Consideration Guide PDF has a list of areas of needs: writing, spelling, computer access, reading, math, receptive communication, expressive communication, study & attention skills, daily living/self care, recreation and leisure, vocational, and seating, positional and mobility.  Check it out!

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