Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Assistive Technology for Reading

Sometimes, students may need a different way to obtain information, whether it’s through reading comprehension or listening comprehension.  This is very important for students who have learning disabilities.  The first part of this webinar talks about the difference between a screen reader and a text reader. 

            Screen Readers                                    Text Readers

            - will read all the text                             - reads specific text in a 
            (this includes menu bars,                        given document or
            buttons, and boxes)                                 application that’s open
            - Some offer ability to                            - Often will read the Web
            magnify                                                  - Includes study tools and supports

I feel that with the prevalence of technology, you are able to purchase, borrow, or find electronic text almost anywhere!  Some tools that were mentioned were: Kurzweil, Premier Literacy Productivity Pack (Reading Made EZ), Read & Write Gold, Read Outloud SOLO, WYNN, Natural Reader.  I would definitely check them out and find one that fits what you’re looking for!

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