Wednesday, November 26, 2014

prAACtice makes perfect

Teachers should help support the use of augmentative communication devices at home and in the community.  There are different and varied communication demands in various settings.  

1. Include the family: This involves training, including during the evaluation and implementation process.  This will help when new vocabulary or phrases need to be added, especially for the home or community setting.  
2. Ask family members to collect data: By involving the student’s family to this expectation, it also holds them accountable for providing opportunities for the student to use the device.  This helps the IEP team to also determine if it is the right fit for the student and family.
3. Plan outings: In the community, people are less likely to have been exposed to AAC devices.  Through field trips, assemblies, and other outings, students have the benefit of using their device with teacher support.  

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