Friday, November 21, 2014

Does anyone love math?

I have to have a quick dance party for myself: I PASSED MY PECT TESTS!!  So, so, so, so, so happy and relieved.  I don’t suffer from test anxiety much, but this one was making me nervous!

Anyway, through learning more about assistive technology I’ve focused on tech tools, literacy, reading, websites, comprehension, and communication, along with some other focal points.  The next part of this blog will center on assistive technology and…….MATH!  I’m a total math geek at heart (okay, it’s not really a secret), so I’m looking forward to exploring more.  Plus, I teach pre-algebra and algebra sections in middle school, so this will really help me in my everyday life!  And, oh yeah, math is used every-single-day.

As a math teacher, one of the things I’ve observed is how crippling a math fear can be.  And how open everyone is about “being bad at math”.   Would you go around to people and bond over, “I’m bad at reading”?  NO.  But it is totally acceptable for people, especially students, to bond over the words “I suck at math too!”.  GRRR.  *rant over*  My goal: make math approachable, and give my students tools and strategies to own math.
Please join me on this mathematical journey!

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