Sunday, November 30, 2014

AT Implementation Resource

One resource on page 319 that I chose to investigate was the AT presentation, located at the Texas Assistive Technology Network.  I specifically read through the Assistive Technology Implementation presentation slides, found here.  Here are some a few things I picked up from the slides:
  • - very visually appealing and easy to follow (hello, UDL!)
  • - SETT framework (Student Environments Tasks Tools)
  • - AT implementation should focus on functional areas of concern when and where they occur (see the list below)
  • - Should use QIAT when deciding what should be addressed   **I talked extensively about QIAT in this post
  • - UDL includes: representation, expression, and engagement …what we’ve been looking closely at since September!
  • - A + B + C > X = Change
    • a =consideration  ::  b =IEP  ::  c =implementation plan  ::  x =costs of change
  • Four aspects of AT competence:
    • Functional – mastery of skills, abilities; specific goals
    • Operational – mastery of technical skills to operate or access methods
    • Strategic – decide when/not to use device or strategy, choose tool
    • Social – use appropriately with people and in environments, help others understand device
Functional Areas


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