Sunday, October 26, 2014

Past Events Cards

My last two posts, about choice and task cards, had to do with promoting communication for students with expressive language issues.  Let me introduce: past event card.  A past event card is when a visual representation is used to relate past events, sometimes referred to as a relating past event card.  This is a very individualized card system, as each student does different activities and things at home and school.  Two possible ways that this system could be used would be sending home a “Today At School” filled out template, similar to the one below, or a “Last Night at Home” filled out template.

This would be beneficial for students because it would help them develop the ability to recall something they did, ate, or said.  This is a very difficult concept for students with ASD to grasp. A past event card was a new concept to me, and one that I've never explored before.  Have you had any success with past event cards?

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