Saturday, October 18, 2014

iPads and Communication

After watching the video, Carly’s Voice, it opened up my eyes to how the use of technology can really impact communication.  I actually started tearing up when she first communicated with her parents! 
There are many benefits of using iPads specifically to help aid communication.  An iPad is versatile, able to be taken to various places and environments, and is very customizable for the student.  Listed below are a few different perspectives of how breaking the communication barrier can affect individuals.  I listed all positive perspectives, but if you think of others, positive or negative, please let me know!

- From a parent’s perspective: helps them learn about their child, find out interests and dislikes that they didn’t know, understand how much their child interprets, breaks down the wall so that they can communicate.  At one point in the video, Carly’s dad mentions that there had been times they had conversations in front of her because they didn’t realize how much she was comprehending

- I can't even begin to fully fathom how it would feel, as a child who is isolated and alone, to begin to communicate with others, but here goes: it opens their world to new things, they are able to finally communicate their thoughts and feelings with others, they have control over their environment, they are free from the confines of their own world only 

- From a teacher’s perspective: it allows a teacher to do more in class with the student, students are able to exceed and reach higher expectations, a teacher will be able to communicate and help students when needed, you get to know the student as an individual who can tell you what they like/dislike

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