Thursday, October 9, 2014

AT Internet Modules

Going through the modules at Assistive Technology Internet Module, I learned a lot of valuable information regarding AT. 

Through the AT Assessment Process in the School Environment Module, one fabulous resource I found was TechMatrix.  It is an easy to use website where you can search for research or various products that have been critiqued and reviewed according to strict parameters.  You can even research based on a specific IDEA Disability Category (i.e.: autism, specific learning disability, etc.). 

When exploring the Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology website, via the AT Consideration in the IEP process module, I stumbled across this ATIAiPad wiki gold mine, “App Database”.  Check it out!

This document, also via QIAT’s website, has app resources and reviews from Pre-School apps, to AAC apps, including Executive Functioning apps and Writing apps.  

As I was navigating the AT and ASR module, I discovered some good questions for educators and parents to ask, when deciding on Speech Recognition software: Does the student like to use the computer?, Is typing unsuccessful? Even with word prediction software and/or onscreen keyboards?, What else have you tried?, Can they recognize words on the screen/on paper and know that they are mistakes?

Try the link to access a huge list of Apps to use in your classroom!

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