Saturday, September 20, 2014

UDL Strengths and Weaknesses

After completing my own Curriculum Barriers and assessing my math lesson based on UDL guidelines, I took notice of the following:

How I Do This:
- Supporting executive functions:

My students always need everything chunked, checklists, and/or visual reminders of their tasks to complete
- Recruiting student interest:
This project is individual and independent, so students have a variety of options
How to Change:
- Offering physical action:

I’m unsure…this is difficult for me, but something I definitely need to incorporate
- Provide options for language, mathematical expression, and symbols
I need to incorporate various types of technology to reach all learners when providing instructions/steps to follow

A specific UDL objective I want to focus on is a greater variety of technology resources.  My greatest challenge will be the technology problems we are having at my school.  I’m a traveling teacher, which means I’m in different rooms. I am currently experiencing SMART Board connectivity issues, inability to post student documents on our new platform, and other tech issues.  This affects my teaching, the class time spent trying to trouble-shoot, and the student behavior while I’m preoccupied. 

1 comment:

  1. Jess,
    I understand your "difficulties" with technology. My school provides a lot of technology options. However, there are many times when the technology does not work. Teachers lose instructional time because they try and figure out how to fix the technology. And when a ticket is put in to get fixed, it could take multiple days for it to get fixed. It certainly affects your teaching!
