Saturday, September 13, 2014

Review of CAST website

The CAST website sheds a light on UDL with various stories, activities, videos, and guidelines.  
One case story that piqued my interest was how to teach probability in middle school.  Math + middle school = happy me, unhappy them. My favorite part about it was the different supports it offered:  recognition, strategic, affective.  That was very beneficial to read about. 
This website also hosted a few activities, one of which can be found here, and while it was meant to get me thinking about how my brain works, it actually got me thinking about my students.  I had to identify my strengths and weaknesses, surrounding something I had zero background knowledge in - cooking formal Indian food.  (I also am unable to climb a mountain or garden...) It made me realize that my students come to me with little math confidence and limited background knowledge/math skills, and they must feel the way I did: incompetent and wanting to give up on the activity. 


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