Monday, December 1, 2014

Final class posting

I feel that throughout my journey with this blog, I have learned a lot.  I’ve found a lot of resources, and learned so much about special education.  While I do not consider myself an expert, I do feel that I have acquired a lot of information since the beginning of the semester.  This has strengthened my instruction as a teacher because it has made me think outside the box and find various strategies, games, and resources to use in my classroom. 

One thing that I’ve changed since my first post on September 13th is that I incorporate a lot more visual aspects to my postings.  I’ve since started highlighting, italicizing, underlining, and bolding important phrases and keywords.  Another thing that I increased was linking to outside websites and resources, even if I was not specifically reviewing them.  I have also started citing previous posts that I’ve written before, and linking back to them. 

I think that throughout my entire blog, I am pretty good about including visual pictures, but I only a few times embedded a video to my blog.  Trying to appease visual learners with more than just pictures was one of my biggest struggles.

Let me know of any blogging tips or tricks to incorporate in the future!

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